Recently, I received a dairy product promotion email. The title was “How do nut milks compare to cow’s milk? First of all, stop calling it nut milk! It is nut juice or beverage or drink
Winter is here in Minnesota and that means I’ve been digging winter clothes out of storage . . . snow pants for the kids and calf coats for the calves. But I left my long underwear in storage
I received one of my favorite types of texts from my dad this weekend. It was a photo of a pitch black, newly born Holstein heifer out of one of my cows. Just the way I like them!
The sun shined through the stream of pressurized water as I sprayed out the parlor, creating a perfect mini rainbow. How many times had I done the same task and not noticed the beautiful prism?
Out with the old and in with the new. That’s the nature of food fads. Perhaps one of the best examples of this truth is the explosion in popularity of Greek yogurt
Some dairy bowlers like the idea of written exams. It is less pressure than the intense buzzer portion and often the exam is multiple choice – creating a higher likelihood of getting more questions
In my last blog post, “Simple social media for a busy farmer (hotlink to past post), I explained why it was important that you engage your consumers through social media
“We don’t have any flunixin,” Emily said. “It’s on backorder. I’m sorry."“What?” I asked, not wanting to believe what she said and half hoping that I hadn’t...
One meat, two meat, “green” meat, no meat. Dr. Seuss could have written a fantastic book about the wild ride that is the development of meat alternatives
I recall many cold mornings of feeding calves while growing up. On my family’s 150-cow farm, I would shiver along, wearing at least four layers of clothes, from hutch to hutch
It's November in Georgia and we're starting to prepare for winter . . . even though it's still 80°F outside. Winter in Georgia is a lot different than other parts of the country
As an out-of-state college student, I rarely have the opportunity to travel home. Growing up with a tight-knit family, I spent most of my days working alongside my parents and younger sisters